Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International
Established 1952


FGBMFI.Training is a new website in development, gathering the FGBMFI courses and training materials used globally by the Fellowship, the heart of which is The School of the Vision. In January 1953, after receiving a God-given vision the previous month (click here to read about the vision), Demos Shakarian incorporated FGBMFI, beginning with one small chapter of businessmen meeting every week in Clifton’s Cafeteria in Los Angeles, California.
That vision is alive and intensifying with each passing day! The School of the Vision helps our members to be more receptive and responsive to the Holy Spirit through a spiritual experience that reveals God's presence and purpose for them and His will for the Body of Christ. Equipping and empowering our members to GO and fulfill The Vision.
In addition to The School of the Vision, FGBMFI.Training prayerfully expects to provide members with digital copies of FGBMFI literature translated to multiple languages, including books by Demos Shakarian, training manuals, SALT and ALTS courses, and more. Follow the link below: