A meeting impacted by the enthusiasm and friendship between the determined leaders was
held from 25th to 26th May 2019 in the capital of Burkina Faso in Ouagadougou. Faithful to its traditional meeting which rotates periodically, many nations were represented (as part of the francophone West African coordination ) which, included Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Togo and Burkina Faso, the host country.
All of these countries enjoyed their stay and the fraternal communion was made by sharing and exchanging information about the Region . Matters raised were major achievements:
the increase of the number of active international directors in our Region which is a good sign of vitality.
The successive 3 successful regional conventions in 3 different nations resulting in
encouraging spiritual benefits. Regular coordination meeting the regular holding of national election based on international regulations statuses and resolutions from the international board of directors.
In sum, a great experience of innovative management of the burden of Fgbmfi's vision since the creation of the Francophone Region in West Africa. The program itself was a great blessing for all the participants and especially for the host country, which was largely represented. It was after the assembly meeting that high-level training sessions on the spirit, the implementation and the functioning of an effective chapter Fire team and lunch outreach meeting resulted in soul winning for the Kingdom of God according to our main mission.
The Closing Dinner was a true celebration of the love of God and the manifestation of his power through a powerful testimony of the victory of the JESUS CHRIST on the evil spirits of
witchcraft in the life of an executive who is now a leader in the Fellowship in the REPUBLIC of Benin.
Finally, resolutions were adopted including the holding in Togo of the 4th regional convention in 2020. And this is after those held in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Benin.
Excellent prospects for the action plan were unanimously adopted by the participants, which
augurs well for a very promising future, including continuing efforts for youth groups and
women; Innovations aiming at reaching the couples of the Region on one hand and young people on the other (this is to help in an increased fraternal communion and to improve a the formation and the integration of the leaders as well as couples in the Region). A Fellowship closer to families and filled with friendships would become a greater opportunity for better motivation before God and men.
Finally every advanced nation in the Region will be involved in a missionary program for the
benefit of others each year. The mission will be done by two countries but one will be as an
assistant from the point of responsibility and commitment (this in order to activate the
missionary vision of the leaders beyond the nations). We give glory to God who gives us the joy of contributing to his wonderful work and we thank the International President for his confidence in our young region and his personal encouragement to the entire team of leaders at this ever-decisive regional meeting.
Your humble servant
Lucien Ahua Koffi Brédou
International Regional Vice President
00233505310311 (whatsApp)
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