Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International
Established 1952
Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) is one of the largest networks of Christian Businessmen in the world. Founded in 1952, we are in over 80 nations - meeting in thousands of chapters.
FGBMFI's primary strategy is executed on the local level; yet the organization is global in scope and reach. Designed to be a grass roots movement, the structure of our organization purposefully attempts to push resources to the local level - equipping the member to impact his or her local community or city.

NEWS & Events

Supporting FGBMFI is a great way to equip and empower our founder Demos Shakarian's vision! When you give to FGBMFI you help:
Open new neighborhoods, cities & countries to the love of God.
Provide training and resources for members.
Support outreaches and conferences globally
Support multimedia, social media, and publication outreach
Financially support needs in the ministry of the Great Commission.
All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Major credit cards accepted. If you would like to send a gift through regular mail, please send a check or money order to:
FGBMFI - One Park Plaza, Suite 600, Irvine, CA 92614
<or> call +1.949.529.4688

"When you did it to these...you did it to me."
"Whoever sows abundantly shall reap abundantly"
Giving to FGBMFI